Other Writings

How Mindfulness Helps Students in Brooklyn School Cope With Pandemic And Social Justice Issues
by meghanleborious | August 12, 2020 | Other Writings | 0 Comments
Students may be drawn first to the calming impacts of mindfulness, but mindfulness can also be seen as empowerment – a way to eliminate the internal obstacles that stop them from stepping fully into their power, dignity, and creativity – essential tools on the path to...
Nothing More. Nothing Less. A Dance.
by meghanleborious | July 20, 2019 | Other Writings | 0 Comments
“For me, it’s about permission and possibility; and it’s about getting out of your own way.” -Tanya Goldman
Wild and Precious: Breastfeeding As Formal Meditation Practice
by meghanleborious | August 24, 2018 | Other Writings | 0 Comments
Before giving birth, I feared that it might be hard to continue my well-established meditation practice once the baby came. Instead, because of using breastfeeding as a formal meditation practice, I felt like I was on retreat for the first months of Simon’s life.
Raising Kids with the Rhythms
by meghanleborious | September 8, 2017 | Other Writings | 0 Comments
“I think we’re here to learn to be calm and gentle. And also to be fast. And to notice things.” — Simon, age 7 My son, Simon, has taken a risk and let go of my hands for the first time today, up-rocking breakdance-style with intricately syncopated steps, twisting his...

Prepared for Grief & More: what Gabrielle Roth did for me
by newperson | August 22, 2017 | Other Writings | 0 Comments
When I learned by text message last October that Gabrielle Roth was passing through the veil of death, I sat in silence, cradling the phone in my hand. I remembered that my first meeting with her was like meeting the Buddha. She had an inspiring presence backed up by...